Englisch BM2 nicht Typ Wirtschaft

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Complete the text with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets or with a suitable word / phrase if no word is given.
Read the following text and choose the best form for each space.
Horses can __________ human facial expressions.
They can also distinguish __________ angry and happy faces.
In 2014, psychologists studied how horses __________ to photographs.
The horses __________ pictures of happy and angry faces.
When __________ at the angry faces, the horses stepped backwards.
Their heart rate quickened and they showed __________ stress-related signs.
Only very __________ horses didn’t react to angry photographs.
The research concluded that horses have __________ an understanding of faces and feelings around them.
__________ will be more research including other animals…
…__________ as parrots and guinea pigs.
Read the text below and then decide if the following questions are „true“ or „false“. If there is not enough information in the text, choose „doesn’t say“.
If there is a holy grail of weight loss, it would be a programme that allows someone to shed fat rapidly while hanging on to or even augmenting muscle. Ideally, it would also be easy. A new study describes a workout and diet regimen that accomplishes two of those goals remarkably well. But it may not be so easy.

For most of us, losing weight and keeping it off is difficult. If you consume fewer calories than your body requires, you lose pounds. Much of such a pound consists of fat. But about a third or more can be made up of muscle. The problem with losing muscle is that, unlike fat tissue, muscle burns calories. Therefore, less muscle means that you burn fewer calories.

So researchers have long been looking for weight loss programmes that produce hefty amounts of fat loss but diminish any decline in muscle.

40 young men began a diet in which their daily calories were cut by about 40%. But for half of them, this consisted of about 15% protein, 35% fat and  50% carbohydrates. The other 20 volunteers began a diet with 35% protein, 15% fat and also 50% carbohydrates. All of the men also started an intensive workout routine. The diet and exercise routine continued for four weeks.

After this time, the men in both groups weighed about 11 pounds less, on average. But it was the composition of that weight loss that differed: Unlike most people on low-calorie diets, the men on the high-protein regimen had actually gained muscle during the month.

These results strongly suggest that extra protein is advisable during weight loss, to avoid stripping yourself of muscle. But of course exercise is also a key.

text adapted from an article on well.blogs.nytimes.com
The new diet might be rather difficult.
Pounds you lose while taking off consist of 2/3 muscle and  1/3 fat.
Researchers from different countries had the idea to create a new weight loss programme.
The young men taking part in the programme all had a diet consisting of 50% carbohydrates.
The diet was combined with a six-day workout routine.
The 20 volunteers on a high-protein diet had more muscle at the end of the four weeks.
Read the text again and find the synonyms matching the words below (copy the words from the text). The words you need to find follow the order of the text.